2025 Lent Retreat
The Pray More Lenten Retreat
Inspiring talks to help you focus your eyes on the Lord and transform your prayer life this Lent.

Lent Retreat Speakers

Kitty Cleveland

Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Michelle Karen D’Silva

Scott Powell
The Retreat begins on March 5th
Here’s a preview!

The Retreat is self-paced.
This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.
It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.

Listening Well to the Voice of the Lord
by Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Being United to Jesus in the Desert
by Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Transformation in the Wounds of Christ
by Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Prayer, Fasting & Almsgiving: Fuel for Lent
by Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

The Good News: “Only say the word and my soul shall be healed”
by Scott Powell

Jesus: Priest, Prophet and King
by Scott Powell

Reading & Praying with the Psalms
by Scott Powell

Encountering Jesus this Lent
by Michelle Karen D’Silva

A Rosary Meditation
by Kitty Cleveland

Bringing Our Wounds to Christ
by Michelle Karen D’Silva

How God Speaks to Us
by Kitty Cleveland

Praying with “The Prodigal Son”
by Kitty Cleveland

Finding Rest in Jesus
by Michelle Karen D’Silva

The Question of Suffering & Redemption
by Scott Powell
Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and Video (with Closed Captioning too)
You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!
You can do this your own or with a group!
“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”
“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”
“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”
— Why join the Pray More Lenten Retreat? —
Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.
Slow down and reflect on your walk with Jesus and how you can strengthen your relationship with Him and get to know Him and His word better.
Become more intentional with your prayer life.
Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.
Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for us as He sent His son to die for our sins.
Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home!
The Retreat begins on March 5th!
Countdown Until The Pray More Lenten Retreat
Welcome to the Pray More Lenten Retreat!
We invite you to join us this Lent to prepare to commemorate the Lord’s Passion, Death and the celebration of His Resurrection at Easter.
As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 16 different talks on prayer, on who God is — and what that means for you, the season of Lent, and lessons from the saints.
That’s about four talks for each week of Lent. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions and prayers to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of all the presentations.
You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 15 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.
We hope the Pray More Lenten Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Lent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.
All the presentations will be available beginning on March 5th, the first day of Lent. If you register now, we will send you an e-mail as soon as it is live and available for you to enjoy :)
God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Lenten Retreat?
Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.
Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.
Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for you.
Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!

Kitty Cleveland is a singer/songwriter and inspirational speaker from New Orleans, began her professional career as a lawyer and then as a college professor. But in an adoration chapel one day in 1998, as she searched for God during a devastating family crisis, she clearly heard the Lord Jesus call her to become a “music missionary.”
Kitty heeded the call and has since released 12 CDs of music and prayer, including two CDs with Lighthouse Catholic Media. Her latest CD, Hail, Holy Queen, was the first of her CD’s to climb the secular Billboard chart. She has appeared numerous times on television, on the radio, in concert, and as a keynote speaker both at home and abroad.
Kitty lives in the New Orleans area with her musician husband and teen daughter, whom they adopted from China in 2005.
In addition to praying with people for healing and encouragement, she enjoys cooking, gardening, oil painting, and is currently working on her first book about her father’s unjust imprisonment and dramatic release by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Dr. Scott Powell is a teacher, theologian and author. Currently, he serves as Assistant Professor of Theology at the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver. Scott and his wife, Annie, founded and direct Camp Wojtyla, a Catholic outdoor adventure program for youth based in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. He holds a doctorate in Catholic Studies from Liverpool Hope University in England, and has authored a number of books, articles and book chapters on topics of theology, the Bible, and ecology, as well as Catholic culture and its relationship to the modern world. Scott has also appeared in numerous Catholic productions, including “Symbolon,” “Beloved,” “Reborn,” “YDisciple” and the “Opening the Word” series. He has been featured on EWTN, “Catholic Answers Live” and several other outlets. For nine years he co-hosted the popular podcast “The Word on the Hill with the Lanky Guys,” and currently hosts the podcast, “Sunday School, a Pillar Bible Study”. Scott and his wife live near Boulder, Colorado with their three children: Lily Avila, Samuel Isaac, and Evelyn Luca.

Michelle Karen D’Silva is a Catholic Speaker who has served at numerous international platforms including leading worship at the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Rome and the World Youth Day in Panama.
She resides in Doha, Qatar along with her husband Jensil and their 2 kids. Michelle is an active member of her parish – Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. She serves as a member of the National Service of Communion (NSC), attending to the pastoral needs of the community through preaching and mentoring.
Michelle pioneered the first Catholic Charismatic Youth Group in Qatar and continues to serve in the capacity of Youth Mentor. She has spearheaded numerous youth retreats, conferences and Gospel concerts including leadership and discipleship training for youth leaders across the Gulf.
In 2018 Michelle co-authored the book – ‘Life in the Spirit, Youth Edition’ under the mandate of CHARIS Youth Asia-Oceania and has traveled across the Middle East and Oceania equipping young leaders to lead and animate the Life in the Spirit seminars.
Michelle’s passion to equip and empower women has resulted in ‘WellSpring Women’, an online community that has hosted an array of virtual programs bringing women from over 30 countries together. She is also the host of “Unravel” – a podcast show dedicated exclusively for women.
If you would like to know more about Michelle or access a collection of free Catholic resources, please visit her website www.michelledsilva.com

Fr. Patrick Gonyeau is a 45-year-old priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit currently living and serving with the U.S. Province of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood at the historic Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, Ohio. Fr. Patrick also serves extensively with Encounter Ministries, teaching and ministering at events across the country and internationally as well. His deepest passion in life is union with the Blessed Trinity. From there, he seeks to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teach, equip, and activate believers of Jesus into an ever-deepening lifestyle of Holy Spirit- driven intimacy and mission in everyday life. His Free Mustard Seeds podcast and Renewal of the Mind Daily Devotional on Facebook and YouTube are well-received proclamation of the Word ministries he runs in the online sphere. There is nothing Fr. Patrick wants more than to know and love The Blessed Trinity with his whole being to help others do so as Well.
You can listen to Fr. Patrick’s homilies, talks and testimonies here.
Additionally, here are other resources from Fr. Patrick:
Renewal of the Mind Daily Devotional, his radio program, Encounter Ministries, and Encounter School of Ministry.
What You Get When You Sign Up:
+ You’ll receive an email on February 14th with all the retreat materials, which includes: 16 video talks that each come with a reflective study guide, transcript (and closed captions).
+ You can watch, listen, or read through the talks whenever you have the time.
+ We’ll share with you a recommended schedule of which talks to watch or listen to each week of Lent, but you can work through the materials however you would like!
“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”
“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”
“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:
John-Paul & Annie, PrayMoreNovenas.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.