The Pray More Retreat
Inspiring talks to help you deepen your prayer life
for a fruitful, prayerful and holy Lent
Here’s What You Get When You Register:
Special Novena to St. Teresa of Avila, the Pray More Retreat's Patron Saint
Video Presentations with Transcripts
Reflective Study Guides
Welcome to the Pray More Retreat!
We invite you to join us this Lent to improve your prayer life with a self-paced, online retreat!
Lent offers us an opportunity to intensify our prayers — to pray more, and to pray better.
We want to help you do that! That’s why we’ve created the Pray More Retreat.
As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 16 different talks on prayer. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions and prayers to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of the presentation. You can participate at your own pace.
You will also receive a special exclusive Novena to St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church for her writing & teaching on prayer. She’s also the patron saint of the Pray More Retreat! :)
We hope the Pray More Retreat will help you intentionally work on your prayer life this Lent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.
Once you register, we will send you all the presentations through your email for you to enjoy :)
Communication is key in every relationship, and that’s why regular prayer — praying more — is a must if we hope to have an intimate relationship with Christ.
God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie
— Why join the Pray More Retreat? —
Learn to be intentional and attentive in prayer.
Become more mindful of God’s faithfulness and have greater hope in His plan.
Grow closer to Christ as you learn how to become more dedicated to prayer, and how to have a better conversation with our Lord.
Understand God’s mercy in a deeper way, and learn how to seek it.
Deepen your faith this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home!
Restore your soul by giving up sins and returning to God.
Countdown Until The Pray More Retreat is Available!
— What would the Saints say about this? —
“In whatever state the soul may be, it ought to pray… There is no soul which is not bound to pray, for every single grace comes to the soul through prayer.”
— St. Faustina
“Virtues are formed by prayer. Prayer preserves temperance. Prayer suppresses anger. Prayer prevents emotions of pride and envy. Prayer draws into the soul the Holy Spirit, and raises man to Heaven.”
— Saint Ephraem of Syria
“We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend upon material success . . . but on Jesus alone.”
— St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
“Prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trail as well as joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus.”
— St.Therese of Lisieux
“Prayer is the place of refuge for every worry, a foundation for cheerfulness, a source of constant happiness, a protection against sadness.”
— St. John Chrysostom
“We must meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: “I will pray, and then I will understand.” This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others.”
— Saint Charles Borromeo
“You pay God a compliment by asking great things of Him.”
— St. Teresa of Avila
“We must speak to God as a friend speaks to his friend, servant to his master; now asking some favor, now acknowledging our faults, and communicating to Him all that concerns us, our thoughts, our fears, our projects, our desires, and in all things seeking His counsel.”
— St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Have confidence in prayer. It is the unfailing power which God has given us. By means of it you will obtain the salvation of the dear souls whom God has given you and all your loved ones.” Ask and you shall receive,” Our Lord said. Be yourself with the good Lord.”
— Saint Peter Julian Eymard

How to Hear the Voice of God
by Father Anthony Co

Four Saints That Will Change Your Life
by Tom Perna

Three Steps to Turn Suffering into Prayer
by Katie Warner

Seeking God’s Mercy Through Psalm 51
by Kim Padan

The Importance of the Scriptures Through the Theology of Pope Benedict XVI and Verbum Domini
by Tom Perna

The Lives of the Saints — Our Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ
by Tom Perna

A Few Things to Know About Dedication to Prayer
by Katie Warner

St. Teresa of Avila’s Prayer Philosophy
by Katie Warner

Amp Up Your Prayer Life with These Resources
by Katie Warner

Prayer: Just Keep Fighting the Battle
by Katie Warner

How to Pray With Other People
by Father Anthony Co

Sharing God’s Graces: Christian Friendship
by Father Anthony Co

How to Pray with the Psalms
by Kim Padan

Intentional Intercessory Prayer
by Kim Padan

The Fundamental First (and Last) Minute
by Katie Warner

Starting a Conversation with God & Responding to His Word
by Kim Padan

Why Join the Pray More Retreat?
Learn to be intentional and attentive in prayer.
Learn how to become more dedicated to prayer, and how to have a better conversation with our Lord.
Deepen your faith from the comfort of your own home.
Restore your soul and become more committed to the Gospel.
Become more mindful of God’s faithfulness, and have greater hope in His will in your life.
Understand & experience God’s mercy in a deeper way, and learn how to seek it.

Katie (Peterson) Warner of is a wife, stay-at-home mom, author and speaker who helps family men and women learn the practical strategies and resources they need to take small steps toward becoming leaders at living more spiritual and meaningful lives, together with their families. Katie is the author of Head & Heart: Becoming Spiritual Leaders for Your Family (Emmaus Road Publishing), a correspondent for the National Catholic Register, and a contributing writer for the She has presented in venues like the National Catholic Bible Conference, the Catholic Family Conference, numerous Legatus chapters, the Eucharistic Congress of Atlanta, the Augustine Institute’s acclaimed Symbolon and Opening the Word programs, and on EWTN radio and EWTN television. Katie is the part-time Manager of Communication and Evangelization for Catholics Come Home. Katie and her husband, Raymond, have two children, and her favorite ministry work is family life. You connect with Katie on Facebook, Twitter, and through her website at

Tom Perna is the Director of Adult Evangelization and Catechesis at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Gilbert, Arizona, where he oversees RCIA, Adult Confirmation, the faith formation ministries, and the Porta Fidei Adult Faith Formation Program. In addition to his work at the parish, Tom spends time writing on his blog – He is the author of Understanding Catholic Teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary(Emmaus Road Publishing). Tom holds a Masters in Theology from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, a Masters in Education from the University of Phoenix, and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of San Francisco, which includes a Great Books Certificate from the St. Ignatius Institute.

Kim Padan grew up in a small town in northern Illinois with her parents, 2 older brothers, and 1 younger sister. Life was pretty “normal” with school and church activities. Part of that “normal” life was growing up with Dejerine-Sottas, a progressive neuro-muscular disorder that impacted her muscle strength and balance. Despite various challenges, Kim always had a sense of her real dignity as a unique person in the eyes of God. Kim’s parents expected much of her, just like her siblings, and always shared their love for her. That foundation of faith and family helped Kim grow into adulthood to have a family of her own. In 1993, she married Bruce, and in 1994 she conceived her only biological child. A routine ultrasound at 14 weeks detected serious anomalies, and Kim was advised to abort. Knowing that all life is precious in the eyes of God, including people with disabilities, Kim & Bruce rejected abortion. The months that followed were filled with brief moments of joy and many tears. Despite the tears, Kim’s testimony is filled with hope and peace as she shares how she learned to cling to Christ in all things.
After her experiences, Kim felt compelled to get involved in the pro-life movement. She joined the Board of Directors at HELP Ministries, INC (now doing business as Women’s Care Clinic) and after 7 years on the board became Executive Director. Under her 11 year leadership, the ministry grew and added services, including ultrasound, allowing the ministry team to save more babies. Now, God has called Kim out to a broader audience to speak about the blessings He has in store for each of us when we step out of our own plans and into His! Kim currently serves as the Chair of Evangelization for the Peoria Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and has been published in the diocesan paper on both pro-life and evangelization themes. When Kim is not speaking or writing about faith (, she enjoys singing in the church choir, rubber stamping greeting cards, reading, and watching classic movies with Bruce. She also recently made her temporary profession as a Lay Dominic.

Father Anthony Co grew up in the western suburbs of Chicago. While completing his studies of philosophy and Eastern religions at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, Fr. Anthony received his calling to the priesthood. Immediately after graduating from U of I, Fr. Anthony entered Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary and for the next five years he prepared for Holy Orders for the Diocese of Peoria, IL. He was ordained to the priesthood at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception in 2005 and offered his Mass of Thanksgiving on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
Father Anthony has served throughout the Diocese of Peoria, ministering to college students and various parishes. He is now pastor of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Andalusia and a college chaplain.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:
John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.