The Pray More Eucharistic Retreat
Inspiring talks about the Eucharist, Jesus’ real presence, and it’s power to nourish you and transform your life.

Eucharistic Retreat Speakers
The Retreat Begins on April 17th!
Here’s a preview!

The Retreat is self-paced.
This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.
It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.

The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
by Fr. Steven Borello

The Eucharist’s Power and Nourishment In our Lives
by Beth Davis

3 Things Everyone Needs to Know About the Eucharist
by Dr. Edward Sri

Prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament
by Dr. Edward Sri

How the Eucharist Transforms Us Into the Image of Jesus Christ
by Dr. Kenneth Howell

The Power of the Mass to Heal
by Fr. Steven Borello

God’s Desire to Dwell & Abide With You
by Beth Davis

Eucharistic Prayer and Adoration
by Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP

Revived in the Eucharist With the Saints
by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

A Guided Meditation on The Last Supper
by Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP

Mother Mary Leads us to Our Eucharistic Lord
by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

The Eucharist Sends Us Out On Mission
by Dr. Kenneth Howell
Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and Video (with Closed Captioning too)
You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!
You can do this your own or with a group!
“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”
“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”
“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”
— Why join the Pray More Eucharistic Retreat? —
The Retreat Begins April 17th!


Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, author and well-known Catholic speaker who presents to tens of thousands of people from around the world each year, including clergy, parish leaders, catechists, and laity. He has written several best-selling books, including The Art of Living; A Biblical Walk Through the Mass; No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion; Walking with Mary; Who Am I to Judge? – Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love; and Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple. His latest books include, When You Pray: Trust, Surrender and the Transformation of Your Soul and a book on marriage that he co-authored with his wife Beth called The Good, the Messy and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life.
Edward Sri is also the presenter of several Ascension Press faith formation film series, including: A Biblical Walk through the Mass; Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother; Behold the Lamb of God: 60 Questions and Answers on the Mystery of the Eucharist and When You Pray: A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God. He also was the presenter for Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained from the Augustine Institute.
He is a founding leader with Curtis Martin of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), where he currently serves as Sr. Vice President of Apostolic Outreach. Dr. Sri leads pilgrimages to Rome and the Holy Land each year and is the host of the acclaimed podcast “All Things Catholic.” He holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome and is an adjunct professor at the Augustine Institute. He resides with his wife Elizabeth and their eight children in Littleton, Colorado.
You can learn more and follow Dr. Sri here:
Facebook, Twitter, Podcast: All Things Catholic with Edward Sri, and at

Beth Davis is a lover of Jesus, a retired youth minister, the Director of Formation for Blessed is She. She is passionate about teaching women how to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus in prayer through writing, speaking, and mentorship. Her favorite things include being the favorite aunt to her five niece and nephews, making friends everywhere she goes, and whatever book she’s currently reading.
Follow her on Instagram @thebethdavis

Fr. Steven Borello, a priest of the Diocese of Joliet, currently serves as the Director of Vocation for the Diocese of Joliet-in-Illinois. Fr. Steven grew up in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and is the oldest of 4 children. He attended the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana where he studied chemistry and chemical engineering. While there, he received a call to the seminary to discern the priesthood. He received his bachelor’s in theology and Master of Divinity from Mundelein Seminary and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 2011. He first served as an associate pastor at Notre Dame Parish in Clarendon Hills and was then transferred to Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Naperville in June of 2014. In August of 2015, he began serving at St. John Vianney College Seminary as a spiritual director, director of human formation, and instructor to over 120 men discerning a priestly vocation. He returned to the Diocese of
Joliet in August 2018 to begin as the new Director of Vocations. He has a podcast titled, Rooted in the Really Real, and has a number of short videos on YouTube.

Sr Kathryn James Hermes, FSP is a Daughter of St Paul, best-selling author, speaker, and an editor for Heart of the Revival, the newsletter for the Eucharistic Revival. Through Sr. Kathryn’s books thousands have found healing and a spiritual path rooted in Scripture which leads from fear to confidence as they touch, often for the first time, how much God cherishes them and that in his arms they are finally safe.
Sr Kathryn is the author of Surviving Depression: A Catholic Approach, Reclaim Regret—How God Heals Life’s Disappointments, St. Joseph—Help for Life’s Emergencies, and Finding Inner Peace.
Whether she is writing on websites and blogs, or offering retreats and conferences, she believes that when we have the courage to explore, love, open and nourish our heart we discover that the paths of Light are imprinted within us where the Trinity abides, and we learn to walk them through the valleys and mountaintops of lived experience with hope.
Sr Kathryn enjoys cooking, reading, watching the sunrise, and can often in the early mornings be found in the chapel. Online you can find her at

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is a wife, mother, and grandmother whose love for children and teaching the Faith spurred her on to become a Catechist for over thirty years. She is an award- winning and best-selling author of more than thirty five books on faith, family, and the saints. An award-winning journalist and an EWTN television Host of three series she created and hosted to inspire Faith. Donna-Marie was invited by the Holy See to participate in an international congress for women at the Vatican. Her work has been featured in national and international media. She has written for L’Osservatore Romano, Magnificat Magazine, National Catholic Register, Catholic World Report, Our Sunday Visitor, and more. She is also a contributor and General Editor of the Divine Mercy Catholic Bible (2020) and writes and lectures much on Divine Mercy. She is an authority on the life of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska.
Donna-Marie is a regular guest on national and international radio shows and has been profiled on many television shows, including: Fox News, Rome Reports, Vatican Insider, and on EWTN television shows: EWTN News Nightly, Women of Grace, Sunday Night Prime, EWTN Live, The Choices We Face, At Home with Jim and Joy, The Journey Home, and Faith & Culture. Donna-Marie presents retreats and lectures throughout the world on topics relating to Catholic and Christian men and women, faith and family life, the Eucharist, the saints, and her friend Mother Teresa. She has received numerous awards for her writing and enjoyed a decade-long friendship with St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. For many years, her spiritual director was Servant of God John A. Hardon, S.J., who also served as one of Mother Teresa’s spiritual directors.
Donna-Marie is also a photographer and a jewelry designer who also dabbles in art. She lives with her family in rural New England and can be reached through her website, as well as can be seen on her social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and X (Formerly Twitter).

Dr. Kenneth Howell is the Resident Theologian and Director of Pastoral Care of the Coming Home Network International. He taught for thirty years in higher education and is the author of six books, one of which is published by Catholic Answers, The Eucharist for Beginners. He is a former Presbyterian minister and theological professor who entered into complete communion with the Catholic Church in 1996. He recently published “Mystery of the Altar: Daily Meditations on the Eucharist.”
“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”
“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”
“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:
John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.
Welcome to the Pray More Eucharistic Retreat!
We invite you to join us for the next few weeks to reflect on God’s faithful love and presence in your life through the Eucharist.
As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 12 different talks on the Holy Eucharist.
You can participate in this retreat at your own pace. Some of the talks are 12 minutes long, and others are closer to 25. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.
We hope the Pray More Eucharistic Retreat will bring you closer to God — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.
Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on April 17th for you to enjoy :)
God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie