Speaker: Stephen Beale

About Stephen Beale

Stephen Beale is a freelance writer and reporter based in Providence, Rhode Island. Raised as an evangelical Protestant, he is a convert to Catholicism. He writes a weekly column for CatholicExchange and also is a regular contributor to the National Catholic Register and Crisis magazine. He holds a B.A. in classics and history from Brown University. He also has completed the coursework towards an MA in theology at Providence College, where he has focused on the thought and spirituality of the early Church Fathers.

Stephen Beale’s Retreats and Talks

2016 Advent Retreat

Stephen gives four talks in this retreat. In one of his talks, he guides us in prayer and leads us to a deeper understanding of “Our Father”. To check out Stephen’s talks, simply click on the link below!

  • Exclamatory Prayer
  • Isaiah, the Prophet of Christmas
  • What the ‘Our Father’ Teaches Us About Prayer
  • Why We Celebrate So Many Martyrs at Christmas

Click here to register for this retreat to get all of his 2016 Advent Retreat Talks.

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