Our Father Who Keeps His Promises – Advent 2019


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Audio MP3

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Printable Study Guide PDF

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Printable Transcript PDF

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Reflective Study Guide Questions

“Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.” 

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
  1. Stacey shares a beautiful personal story about an experience of deep intimacy with God. What does intimacy with God look like in your life?
  2. Is there something that you are putting above God? Are you holding ransom, in your heart, something that you are putting above God? Your accomplishments? An addiction? Or something you want to hold on to?
  3. Stacy explains the Law of Herem which is a law that banned anything that would get in the way of religious life. What is something in your life that you would ban that gets in the way or distracts you from your faith?
  4. God makes so many promises to us in the Bible. Have you ever experienced the fulfillment of one of God’s promises to you? If so, what was it?
  5. . In closing, Stacy encourages us to ask God an important question, this Advent take some time in prayer to ask God, “What is it that you want for my life?”

Text Version

About Stacey Sumereau

Stacey Sumereau Retreat Speaker Photo

Stacey Sumereau was a touring Broadway singer and dancer in classic hit shows The Wizard of Oz and Beauty and the Beast. Stacey toured 43 States and nearly every province of Canada before discovering that God was calling her away from the competitive world of theatre. She was sought by cameras to be featured on the Reality TV Show The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns as one of five young women discerning a religious vocation. Although she discerned that God was calling her to marriage and motherhood, Stacey’s discernment experience sparked a call to encourage other young people to let God guide their life choices and to live out of their God-given dignity.

Stacey uses her unique talents of singing, humorous storytelling, and even fire-eating! She has spoken at the National Catholic Youth Conference, the LA Religious Education Congress, and dioceses and parishes across the Country. She hosts the popular Catholic podcast Called and Caffeinated. You can find her online at staceysumereau.com, and on social media @staceysumereau.    

The Pray More Retreat