
2024 Healing Retreat

The Pray More Healing Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you heal, move forward and grow closer to Christ.

Healing Retreat Speakers

Danielle Bean

Jake Khym

Nell O’Leary

Isaac Wicker

The Retreat Begins on August 14th!

Here’s a preview!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Allowing the Lord to Transform & Heal Our Fears

The Healing Jesus Desires for You

by Nell O’Leary

Encountering God’s Healing Love

by Isaac Wicker

Finding God in hard times

How Suffering Can Draw Us Closer to God

by Nell O’Leary

Forgiving when you can't forget

Prayer is a Part of Healing

by Jake Khym

Overcoming Dryness in Prayer

Saints for Healing: Growing in Friendship with the Saints

by Danielle Bean

Overcoming Scrupulosity

Praying with The Beatitudes

by Jake Khym

Healing from betrayal

How to Hear God’s Voice in Prayer

by Nell O’Leary

healing from habitual sin

Being United to God through Redemptive Suffering

by Isaac Wicker

handling our doubts

Rediscovering the Father through Jesus

by Jake Khym

healing mother and father wounds

How God Sees You

by Isaac Wicker

Growing in Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Healing from Shame

by Isaac Wicker

How to Discern God's Will

Finding Rest in Prayer

by Danielle Bean

Praying Through Lectio Divina

He Has a Plan: The Lord is Trustworthy

by Danielle Bean

Discovering Your Self Worth

Praying with the Scriptures: A Guided Meditation

by Danielle Bean

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

Healing in the Sacraments

by Nell O’Leary

Seeking Rest in Him

How to Heal & Restore Our Identity

by Jake Khym

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this on your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Healing Retreat? — 


The Retreat Begins August 14th!









Danielle Bean is creator and host of Girlfriends, an award-winning podcast that supports and encourages Catholic women from all walks of life. She is author of ten books, including You Are Enough, and Giving thanks and Letting Go, and Whisper: Finding God in the Everyday. Danielle has a special heart for families and she encourages others to find humor in daily challenges and the joy God intends for every one of us. It is in her primary vocation to marriage and motherhood that Danielle finds the inspiration for all of her work. Subscribe to her Substack and learn more at

Jake Khym is a Catholic leader with over 20 years experience in various ministry settings. He has a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology and a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with a concentration in Catechetics. Jake has worked in adult faith formation, seminarian and priestly formation, diocesan evangelization, catechesis, RCIA, retreat ministry, and has a private counseling practice for over 15 years. You can learn more about Jake at:


Nell O’Leary loves reminding people of their gifts and marvelousness. Her current work includes growing community for the Word on Fire Institute, contributing video content for Ascension Presents, assisting with Friends of the Bridegroom with Fr. John Burns, and writing content for the National Eucharistic Revival Newsletter. She served for 8.5 years as the Managing Editor for Blessed is She. She is an attorney-turned-writer, speaker, editor, and community maker. Her heart is for healing through encounter with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. She and her husband live with their five children in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Learn more about Nell at: and follow her on Instagram here.

Isaac Wicker is a Catholic therapist, speaker, and content creator with a decade of mental health experience. Outside of his therapy work, he founded and runs two online Catholic programs for integrating faith and mental health: Whole Human Challenge (, a 7-week Catholic challenge to uproot anxiety and enliven faith; and KNOWN: Embraced by the Heart of the Father (, a 12-week online Catholic journey to heal wounded relationships with God the Father. You can follow his instagram and find him on YouTube @wholehumanpsychology. Isaac lives in Minnesota with his wife and two boys (with another on the way!)

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

Welcome to the Pray More Healing Retreat!

We invite you to join us for the next few weeks to reflect on God’s faithful love and presence in your life.

St. John Paul II said that suffering is almost inseparable from man’s earthly existence. At times, suffering can lead you closer to Christ. And at other times, it can seem to lead you further away from Him. We created this retreat to help steer you closer back to Him, who is the divine healer.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 16 different talks on healing. Some of them are about healing from specific problems – things like fear and loss. Some are about healing the wounds of our heart, and learning our worth and dignity in our relationship with Christ. Others are about God’s faithfulness during difficult seasons. Lastly, our speakers also talk about what to do when you don’t receive the healing you’ve been praying for and working towards.

You can participate in this retreat at your own pace. Some of the talks are 10 minutes long, and others are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Healing Retreat will bring you closer to God’s healing love — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on August 14th for you to enjoy :)

God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

2024 Healing Retreat Read More »

2024 Eucharistic Retreat

The Pray More Eucharistic Retreat

Inspiring talks about the Eucharist, Jesus’ real presence, and it’s power to nourish you and transform your life.

Eucharistic Retreat Speakers

Dr. Edward Sri

Beth Davis

Fr. Steven Borello

Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP

Dr. Kenneth Howell

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

The Retreat Begins on April 17th!

Here’s a preview!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Allowing the Lord to Transform & Heal Our Fears

The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist

by Fr. Steven Borello

The Eucharist’s Power and Nourishment In our Lives

by Beth Davis

Allowing the Lord to Transform & Heal Our Fears

3 Things Everyone Needs to Know About the Eucharist

by Dr. Edward Sri

Prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament

by Dr. Edward Sri

Finding God in hard times

How the Eucharist Transforms Us Into the Image of Jesus Christ

by Dr. Kenneth Howell

Forgiving when you can't forget

The Power of the Mass to Heal

by Fr. Steven Borello

Overcoming Dryness in Prayer

God’s Desire to Dwell & Abide With You

by Beth Davis

Overcoming Scrupulosity

Eucharistic Prayer and Adoration

by Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP

Healing from betrayal

Revived in the Eucharist With the Saints

by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

healing from habitual sin

A Guided Meditation on The Last Supper

by Sr. Kathryn James Hermes, FSP

handling our doubts

Mother Mary Leads us to Our Eucharistic Lord

by Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

healing mother and father wounds

The Eucharist Sends Us Out On Mission

by Dr. Kenneth Howell

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Eucharistic Retreat? — 


The Retreat Begins April 17th!









Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, author and well-known Catholic speaker who presents to tens of thousands of people from around the world each year, including clergy, parish leaders, catechists, and laity. He has written several best-selling books, including The Art of Living; A Biblical Walk Through the Mass; No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion; Walking with Mary; Who Am I to Judge? – Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love; and Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple. His latest books include, When You Pray: Trust, Surrender and the Transformation of Your Soul and a book on marriage that he co-authored with his wife Beth called The Good, the Messy and the Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life.

Edward Sri is also the presenter of several Ascension Press faith formation film series, including: A Biblical Walk through the Mass; Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother; Behold the Lamb of God: 60 Questions and Answers on the Mystery of the Eucharist and When You Pray: A Clear Path to a Deeper Relationship with God. He also was the presenter for Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained from the Augustine Institute.

He is a founding leader with Curtis Martin of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students), where he currently serves as Sr. Vice President of Apostolic Outreach. Dr. Sri leads pilgrimages to Rome and the Holy Land each year and is the host of the acclaimed podcast “All Things Catholic.” He holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome and is an adjunct professor at the Augustine Institute. He resides with his wife Elizabeth and their eight children in Littleton, Colorado.

You can learn more and follow Dr. Sri here:

Facebook, Twitter, Podcast: All Things Catholic with Edward Sri, and at

Beth Davis is a lover of Jesus, a retired youth minister, the Director of Formation for Blessed is She. She is passionate about teaching women how to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus in prayer through writing, speaking, and mentorship. Her favorite things include being the favorite aunt to her five niece and nephews, making friends everywhere she goes, and whatever book she’s currently reading.

Follow her on Instagram @thebethdavis

Fr. Steven Borello, a priest of the Diocese of Joliet, currently serves as the Director of Vocation for the Diocese of Joliet-in-Illinois. Fr. Steven grew up in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and is the oldest of 4 children. He attended the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana where he studied chemistry and chemical engineering. While there, he received a call to the seminary to discern the priesthood. He received his bachelor’s in theology and Master of Divinity from Mundelein Seminary and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Joliet in 2011. He first served as an associate pastor at Notre Dame Parish in Clarendon Hills and was then transferred to Saints Peter and Paul Parish in Naperville in June of 2014. In August of 2015, he began serving at St. John Vianney College Seminary as a spiritual director, director of human formation, and instructor to over 120 men discerning a priestly vocation. He returned to the Diocese of

Joliet in August 2018 to begin as the new Director of Vocations. He has a podcast titled, Rooted in the Really Real, and has a number of short videos on YouTube.

Sr Kathryn James Hermes, FSP is a Daughter of St Paul, best-selling author, speaker, and an editor for Heart of the Revival, the newsletter for the Eucharistic Revival. Through Sr. Kathryn’s books thousands have found healing and a spiritual path rooted in Scripture which leads from fear to confidence as they touch, often for the first time, how much God cherishes them and that in his arms they are finally safe.

Sr Kathryn is the author of Surviving Depression: A Catholic Approach, Reclaim Regret—How God Heals Life’s Disappointments, St. Joseph—Help for Life’s Emergencies, and Finding Inner Peace.

Whether she is writing on websites and blogs, or offering retreats and conferences, she believes that when we have the courage to explore, love, open and nourish our heart we discover that the paths of Light are imprinted within us where the Trinity abides, and we learn to walk them through the valleys and mountaintops of lived experience with hope.

Sr Kathryn enjoys cooking, reading, watching the sunrise, and can often in the early mornings be found in the chapel. Online you can find her at

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle is a wife, mother, and grandmother whose love for children and teaching the Faith spurred her on to become a Catechist for over thirty years. She is an award- winning and best-selling author of more than thirty five books on faith, family, and the saints. An award-winning journalist and an EWTN television Host of three series she created and hosted to inspire Faith. Donna-Marie was invited by the Holy See to participate in an international congress for women at the Vatican. Her work has been featured in national and international media. She has written for L’Osservatore Romano, Magnificat Magazine, National Catholic Register, Catholic World Report, Our Sunday Visitor, and more. She is also a contributor and General Editor of the Divine Mercy Catholic Bible (2020) and writes and lectures much on Divine Mercy. She is an authority on the life of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska.

Donna-Marie is a regular guest on national and international radio shows and has been profiled on many television shows, including: Fox News, Rome Reports, Vatican Insider, and on EWTN television shows: EWTN News Nightly, Women of Grace, Sunday Night Prime, EWTN Live, The Choices We Face, At Home with Jim and Joy, The Journey Home, and Faith & Culture. Donna-Marie presents retreats and lectures throughout the world on topics relating to Catholic and Christian men and women, faith and family life, the Eucharist, the saints, and her friend Mother Teresa. She has received numerous awards for her writing and enjoyed a decade-long friendship with St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. For many years, her spiritual director was Servant of God John A. Hardon, S.J., who also served as one of Mother Teresa’s spiritual directors.

Donna-Marie is also a photographer and a jewelry designer who also dabbles in art. She lives with her family in rural New England and can be reached through her website, as well as can be seen on her social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and X (Formerly Twitter).


Kevin Heider

Dr. Kenneth Howell is the Resident Theologian and Director of Pastoral Care of the Coming Home Network International. He taught for thirty years in higher education and is the author of six books, one of which is published by Catholic Answers, The Eucharist for Beginners. He is a former Presbyterian minister and theological professor who entered into complete communion with the Catholic Church in 1996. He recently published “Mystery of the Altar: Daily Meditations on the Eucharist.”

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

Welcome to the Pray More Eucharistic Retreat!

We invite you to join us for the next few weeks to reflect on God’s faithful love and presence in your life through the Eucharist.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 12 different talks on the Holy Eucharist.

You can participate in this retreat at your own pace. Some of the talks are 12 minutes long, and others are closer to 25. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Eucharistic Retreat will bring you closer to God — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on April 17th for you to enjoy :)

God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

2024 Eucharistic Retreat Read More »

2024 Lent Retreat

The Pray More Lenten Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you focus your eyes on the Lord and transform your prayer life this Lent.

Lent Retreat Speakers

Jon Leonetti

Karen May

Tim Glemkowski

Katie Sciba Retreat Speaker

Katie Sciba

The Retreat begins on February 14th!

Here’s a preview!

Online lenten retreat

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Hearing God’s Voice in Prayer

by Karen May

Following Jesus this Lent

by Jon Leonetti

Walking Through The Stations of the Cross

by Karen May

Responding like Jesus in the Desert

by Tim Glemkowski

Praying with Scripture

by Karen May

A Reflection on Jesus’ Last Words

by Jon Leonetti

Finding God in our Garden of Gethsemane

by Karen May

Looking to the Blessed Mother & St. Joseph this Lent

by Jon Leonetti

Hearing God’s Voice & Responding

by Katie Sciba

Mary’s Receptivity & Cooperation with God

by Katie Sciba

Six Ways to Keep Your Advent Season Holy, Part II 2016

Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

by Jon Leonetti

The Faith & Prayer Life of St. Therese

by Tim Glemkowski

Six Ways to Keep Your Advent Season Holy, Part II 2016

Holy Simplicity During Lent

by Katie Sciba

Receiving the Love of the Father

by Katie Sciba

God’s Divine Mercy

by Tim Glemkowski

A Reflection on Suffering

by Tim Glemkowski

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Lenten Retreat? — 


Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.

Slow down and reflect on your walk with Jesus and how you can strengthen your relationship with Him and get to know Him and His word better.

Become more intentional with your prayer life.

Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.

Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for us as He sent His son to die for our sins.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home!

The Retreat begins on February 14th!

Countdown Until The Pray More Lenten Retreat








Welcome to the Pray More Lenten Retreat!

We invite you to join us this Lent to prepare to commemorate the Lord’s Passion, Death and the celebration of His Resurrection at Easter.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 16 different talks on prayer, on who God is — and what that means for you, the season of Lent, and lessons from the saints.

That’s about four talks for each week of Lent. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions and prayers to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of all the presentations.

You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 15 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Lenten Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Lent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

All the presentations will be available beginning on February 14th, the first day of Lent. If you register now, we will send you an e-mail as soon as it is live and available for you to enjoy :)

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Lenten Retreat?

Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.

Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.

Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for you.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Jon Leonetti is a nationally known Catholic speaker, best-selling author, and radio host who conveys a message of lasting fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through Jon’s keynote presentations and parish missions, thousands of Catholics each year discover the freedom Christ offers by way of his life and love.

Jon believes that our deepest longing for happiness and wholeness is fulfilled in the encounter with Jesus Christ. Through prayer, the Sacraments, family life, and the help of Mary and the saints, Jon wants to cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus and help others do the same.

With this message Jon has been featured and interviewed by the nation’s top Catholic websites, blogs, and radio shows, helping Catholics in all walks of life to fall in love and stay in love with the living God.

At home, Jon enjoys reading, sports, exercising, coffee, and, most of all, spending time with his wife Teresa, and their three children.  Jon has a master’s degree in moral theology.

Karen May is a dynamic and inspirational author, speaker, and spiritual director who believes that powerful, transformational faith doesn’t have to be complicated. Helping people to discover the profound truths of God in a way that is simple, inviting, and filled with joy is a gift that she shares in her writing and speaking.

Karen has been featured in two Pray More Healing retreats, the Jen Fulwiler Show, Formed, EWTN, Relevant Radio, and more. She is the author of Be Not Afraid: Living with Faith in the Midst of a Fearful World, Walking Through Holy Week, and Draw Near. Karen and her husband Mike enjoy cooking, traveling, hiking, and spending time with their daughters and son-in-law. You can find her at

Tim Glemkowski is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Eucharistic Congress. Previously, he served in the Archbishop’s Office for the Archdiocese of Denver as the Director of Strategy, helping to set up the archdiocese for a time of apostolic mission. He is the former founder and president of L’Alto Catholic Institute and Revive Parishes. Tim authored Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture, which was released in Fall 2019 through Our Sunday Visitor. He is an international speaker who has also consulted for many organizations, dioceses, and parishes. His writing has appeared in numerous print and web-based theological and catechetical publications. Tim and his wife, Maggie, live in Littleton, CO with their three young children. 

Katie Sciba is an international speaker, retreat writer, and nine-time Catholic Press Award-winning columnist. She has a degree in theology from Benedictine College, and her work on Catholic minimalism, spiritual intimacy with Jesus, as well as the domestic church has impacted audiences across the map. Katie writes for The Catholic Telegraph in Cincinnati and co-hosts Two Coins Culture, a faith-based podcast on living simply. Her humor and honesty enable her to connect well with a crowd. Katie and her family live in Omaha, Nebraska.

What You Get When You Sign Up:


+ You’ll receive an email on February 14th with all the retreat materials, which includes: 16 video talks that each come with a reflective study guide, transcript (and closed captions).

+ You can watch, listen, or read through the talks whenever you have the time.

+ We’ll share with you a recommended schedule of which talks to watch or listen to each week of Lent, but you can work through the materials however you would like!

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2024 Lent Retreat Read More »

2023 Advent Retreat

The Pray More Advent Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you prepare for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ at Christmas. 

Advent Retreat Speakers

Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt

Deanna Bartalini

John Kinuthia

Mallory Smyth

The Retreat begins December 4th!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.

Preview the 2023 Advent Retreat


How to Listen in Prayer & Know When God is Speaking

by Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt

Waiting on God’s Promises with Confidence

by Mallory Smyth

Mary’s Fiat and How We Can Offer Our Own

by Deanna Bartalini

Learning from the Life & Faith of St. Joseph

by John Kinuthia

Following Christ this Christmas & New Year

By Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt

Living Through Seasons of Waiting

by Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt

Growing in Trust in the Lord

by Deanna Bartalini

Developing a Habit of Prayer

by Deanna Bartalini

God can Do Great Things with Our Smallest Offerings

by Mallory Smyth

Finding Joy in the Season of Advent

by John Kinuthia

The Significance of God Becoming Man

by John Kinuthia

Let Every Part of the Holiday Season Raise Your Mind to Heaven

by Mallory Smyth

A Reflection on the Nativity and Incarnation of Christ

by Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt

Beholding the Mystery: Who He is and Who We Are

by Mallory Smyth

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Advent Retreat? — 


Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Advent.

Slow down during this busy season and reflect on your relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to Him through prayer.

Become more intentional with your prayer life.

Reflect on what God is asking of you to wait for this Advent. What does He have in store for you? How are you responding to Him?

Renew your hope as you wait expectantly & joyfully for God to work in your life and to answer your prayers.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Advent season from the comfort of your own home!

The Pray More Retreat Begins on December 4th!








Welcome to the Pray More Advent Retreat!

We invite you to join us this Advent to prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

St. Teresa of Calcutta said the season of Advent is like springtime in nature — “when everything is renewed and is so fresh and healthy.” She said, “Advent is also meant to do this to us — to refresh us and make us healthy, to be able to receive Christ in whatever form He may come to us.”

We want to help you do that — that’s why we created the Pray More Advent Retreat!

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 14 different talks on prayer, the season of Advent, and how to live out our faith during this season. That’s about 4 talks for each week of Advent, and we’ll send you an e-mail with those talks every week. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of each presentation. You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 10 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20.

We hope the Pray More Advent Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Advent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on November 28th for you to enjoy :)

St. John Paul II said, “The Word who found a dwelling in Mary’s womb comes to knock on the heart of every person with singular intensity this Christmas.” We hope the Pray More Retreat will help you to be ready to open the door to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and to respond to His call to holiness and faithfulness.

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Advent Retreat?

Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Advent.

Renew your hope as you wait expectantly & joyfully for God to work in your life and to answer your prayers.

Slow down during this busy season and reflect on your relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to Him through prayer.

Deepen your faith and pray more from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Fr. Gale Hammerschmidt was born and raised in Hays, Kansas and graduated from Thomas More Prep/Marian High School. He then attended Kansas State University where he received a degree in secondary education. Fr. Gale spent nine years in Manhattan, KS at Msgr. Luckey Jr. High School as a history teacher and football, basketball, and track coach.

From 2005-2012, Fr. Gale studied at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, CO. In 2012, Fr. Gale was ordained a priest and is currently the pastor of St. Isidore’s Catholic Student Center at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. Prior to this assignment, he served as a priest in Junction City, KS, and at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Salina, KS.  Fr. Gale has served as a high school chaplain and vocation director for the Diocese of Salina. He is also the founder of the Prayer and Action summer mission program that has now spread to numerous dioceses throughout the country.

You can find Fr. Gale: on his Facebook page, Instagram, and through his Church’s website.

Deanna G. Bartalini, M.Ed.; M.P.A., is a certified spiritual director, speaker, and writer. She has served in parish ministry as a religious education director, youth minister, liturgical coordinator, and stewardship director.

Deanna has been married to Deacon John for 40 years and they are blessed with four grandchildren. She is the founder of Her Not Lukewarm Podcast gives you tips and tools to live out your faith in your daily life.

She writes for,, Women in the New Evangelization (WINE) and Deanna wrote a bible study, The Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women, Invite the Holy Spirit into your Life, contributed to the Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion, and Digital Ministry and Leadership in Today’s Church.

You can find Deanna: through her website, on her Facebook page, and Instagram.

John Kinuthia is a Catholic Speaker who grew up in Kenya, with his parents and 6 siblings. John is passionate about sharing the Joy of Christ and telling the story of what God has done in his life. His inspiring and engaging talks are filled with stories from his home country and wisdom learned from his mother and grandfather. John conveys a message of awakening and becoming the saint you’re called to be, cultivating a deeper personal relationship with Jesus, and sharing the Joy of Christ.

John and his wife Katie live in Philadelphia with their 4 children. He loves reading the wisdom of the saints, hiking with his family, and playing and coaching volleyball. 

Learn more about John at

You can also find him: on his Facebook page, Instagram, and Linkedin.

Mallory Smyth is a national speaker, writer, and content creator for Walking with Purpose. She is the author of the book Rekindled, and has also written the WWP Bible Studies, Reclaiming Friendship, and Rooted and Radiant.

Mallory has been in full time ministry for the past 11 years. She joined Walking with Purpose out of a deep desire to help women come to know Christ personally through the transforming power of His word. Having worked with college students as a FOCUS missionary, and now in women’s ministry, it is her dream to see Catholics fall deeply in love with God and grab hold of the joy offered in the Gospel.

Mallory lives in Denver with her husband, Jared, and their four daughters.

You can learn more about Mallory at

What You Get When You Sign Up:


+ You’ll receive an email on December 4th with all the retreat materials, which includes: 14 video talks that each come with a reflective study guide, transcript (and closed captions).

+ You can watch, listen, or read through the talks whenever you have the time.

+ We’ll share with you a recommended schedule of which talks to watch or listen to each week of Advent, but you can work through the materials however you would like!

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2023 Advent Retreat Read More »

2023 Healing Retreat

The Pray More Healing Retreat

Inspiring talks about the healing Jesus offers you, how to pursue healing and how to move forward from your pain into a place of peace.

Healing Retreat Speakers

Jason Angelette

Sr. Orianne Pietra René, fsp

Fr. Jeronimo Espinosa

Debbie Herbeck

Peter Herbeck

The Retreat Begins on August 16th!

Here’s a preview!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Allowing the Lord to Transform & Heal Our Fears

Faith Amidst the Storms in Life

by Fr. Jeronimo Espinosa

How to Recognize the Lord’s Voice in Prayer

by Sr. Orianne Pietra René

Finding God in hard times

Praying Through Suffering and Searching for Peace

by Jason Angelette

Forgiving when you can't forget

Going Deeper in Prayer

by Debbie Herbeck

Overcoming Dryness in Prayer

The Promises of Jesus and the Path Towards Holiness

by Peter Herbeck

Overcoming Scrupulosity

Coming to Know the Lord as Our Father

by Sr. Orianne Pietra René

Healing from betrayal

Praying with Scripture: The Woman at the Well

by Fr. Jeronimo Espinosa

healing from habitual sin

Seasons of Suffering: Walking in the Shadow of the Cross

by Debbie Herbeck

handling our doubts

The Power of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives

by Peter Herbeck

healing mother and father wounds

The Practice of Prayers of Lamentation

by Peter Herbeck

Growing in Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Who We Are to Christ

by Debbie Herbeck

How to Discern God's Will

How to Respond to Our Crosses

by Sr. Orianne Pietra René

Praying Through Lectio Divina

Trusting the Lord and Discerning His Will

by Jason Angelette

Discovering Your Self Worth

Growing in a Life of Virtue with the Saints

by Sr. Orianne Pietra René

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

Healing Our Wounds

by Debbie Herbeck

Seeking Rest in Him

Holding on to Hope

by Jason Angelette

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

A Relationship with Jesus through Prayer and Scripture

by Jason Angelette

Seeking Rest in Him

Obedience Leads to Freedom: Following Christ

by Peter Herbeck

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

God’s Invitation to Love

by Sr. Orianne Pietra René

Seeking Rest in Him

Each talk comes as a video that you can watch or listen to in your time. We also provide transcripts for each talk as well as a study guide.

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Healing Retreat? — 


Hear inspiring testimonies about God’s presence throughout even the darkest of times.

Receive guidance and practical advice about how to move on from your pain.

Learn more about who God is as our Father and about how you can grow closer to Him through your cross.

Deepen your faith and pray more from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!

Renew your hope, and grow in true joy and happiness.

Learn how to move forward from your pain into a place of peace, and from your fear into a place of faith.

The Retreat Begins August 16th!









Jason Angelette received his Masters in Theological Studies from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at the Catholic University of America. Since 2007 Jason has been working as the Director of the Faith and Marriage Apostolate of the Willwoods Community which is dedicated to promoting the Sacramentality of marriage and providing for married couples opportunities for growth, enrichment, and support.

Jason is the author of a marriage enrichment program called, United in Love United in Christ. His ministry experience includes high school campus ministry, teaching theology at the high school and college level, working on and speaking at various retreats and events nationwide, Catholic podcasting, as well as co-host for a television program on WLAE entitled “Faith and Marriage Today”.  

He is the father of five children. In August of 2020 his beloved (late) wife Elise received her heavenly reward after a six-year battle with breast cancer.

Sr. Orianne Pietra René, fsp was born into a multi-cultural and multi-faith home, and converted to Catholicism at a young age.  After years of ongoing little conversions of heart, she left a teaching career to enter the Daughters of St Paul, a community of religious sisters dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel through the most effective means of communication, as St Paul did. Sr Orianne’s greatest wish is for all people to find their healing, their belonging, and their joy in Christ!

Debbie Herbeck has shared with many her personal journey of faith from Judaism to Christianity and subsequent entrance into the Catholic Church. For the past forty years, Debbie Herbeck has worked extensively in youth and women’s ministry, speaking, leading mission trips,and mentoring high school and college age women. She is the founder and Executive Director Pine Hills Girls’ Camp. Debbie is the founder and Leader of the Be Love Revolution, a ministry that exists to help young women encounter Christ and be His love to all they meet. Debbie has written four books, and is a frequent author and speaker for Blessed is She and contributing writer for Undone: Freeing your Feminine Heart from the Knots of Fear and Shame.

Debbie and her husband Peter recently wrote a book together entitled: Lessons from the School of Love—Creating a Christ-Centered Marriage. They live in Ann Arbor, Michigan and have 4 young adult children and 11 small grandchildren.

Peter Herbeck is the Executive Vice President and Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries. For more than thirty years, he has been actively involved in evangelization and Catholic renewal throughout the US, Canada, Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. Peter is the co-host of the weekly television show, The Choices We Face. He hosts the daily radio show Fire on the Earth. He is a frequent conference speaker, has authored When the Spirit Comes in Power, When the Spirit Speaks, and numerous booklets, and is a frequent contributor to Renewal Ministries’ popular YouTube channel. Peter and his wife, Debbie, have four children and eleven grandchildren, and reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Kevin Heider

Father Jeronimo Espinosa is a Colombian priest. He is in love with Jesus Christ and His Church, and has decided to dedicate his life to serve its people. Before entering the seminary, he studied animal sciences. But after being ordained and getting a master’s degree in youth ministry at the University of Dallas, his passion and calling is to serve and accompany young people on their journey of healing and wholeness.

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

Welcome to the Pray More Healing Retreat!

We invite you to join us for the next few weeks to reflect on God’s faithful love and presence in your life.

St. John Paul II said that suffering is almost inseparable from man’s earthly existence. At times, suffering can lead you closer to Christ. And at other times, it can seem to lead you further away from Him. We created this retreat to help steer you closer back to Him, who is the divine healer.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 19 different talks on healing. Some of them are about healing from specific problems – things like fear and loss. Some are about healing the wounds of our heart, and learning our worth and dignity in our relationship with Christ. Others are about God’s faithfulness during difficult seasons. Lastly, our speakers also talk about what to do when you don’t receive the healing you’ve been praying for and working towards.

You can participate in this retreat at your own pace. Some of the talks are 10 minutes long, and others are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Healing Retreat will bring you closer to God’s healing love — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on August 16th for you to enjoy :)

God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

2023 Healing Retreat Read More »

2023 Lent Retreat

The Pray More Lenten Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you focus your eyes on the Lord and transform your prayer life this Lent.

Lent Retreat Speakers

The Retreat begins on February 22nd!

Here’s a preview!

Online lenten retreat

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Restorative Prayer

by Fr. Eric Mah

Entering into Lent

by Dr. Andrew Swafford

Growing in Unshakeable Hope

by Michelle Karen D’Silva

Living Out the Pattern of Life, Death and Resurrection 

by Claire Dwyer

Overcoming Our Temptations

by Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Jesus’ Time in the Garden of Gethsemane

by Dr. Andrew Swafford

Believing Our Identity as “Beloved”

By Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Peter’s Betrayal and God’s Forgiveness

by Dr. Andrew Swafford

“Not by Bread Alone:” Abiding in the Word of God

by Michelle Karen D’Silva

How to Handle Unanswered Prayers

by Dr. Andrew Swafford

Six Ways to Keep Your Advent Season Holy, Part II 2016

How to Remain with Jesus: The Story of Mary Magdalene

by Claire Dwyer

Overcoming Lies of the Devil

by Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Vocation and Discernment

by Fr. Eric Mah

Saints with a Devotion to the Passion of Jesus

by Michelle Karen D’Silva

The Father’s Merciful Love

by Michelle Karen D’Silva

The Life & Faith of Saint Gianna Molla

by Claire Dwyer

Becoming a Person of Love

by Fr. Eric Mah

Mary’s Fiat & Ours

by Michelle Karen D’Silva

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Lenten Retreat? — 


Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.

Slow down and reflect on your walk with Jesus and how you can strengthen your relationship with Him and get to know Him and His word better.

Become more intentional with your prayer life.

Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.

Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for us as He sent His son to die for our sins.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home!

The Retreat begins on February 22nd!

Countdown Until The Pray More Lenten Retreat








Welcome to the Pray More Lenten Retreat!

We invite you to join us this Lent to prepare to commemorate the Lord’s Passion, Death and the celebration of His Resurrection at Easter.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 19 different talks on prayer, on who God is — and what that means for you, the season of Lent, and lessons from the saints.

That’s about four talks for each week of Lent. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions and prayers to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of all the presentations.

You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 15 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Lenten Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Lent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

All the presentations will be available beginning on February 22nd, the first day of Lent. If you register now, we will send you an e-mail as soon as it is live and available for you to enjoy :)

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Lenten Retreat?

Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.

Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for you.

Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Dr. Andrew Swafford is professor of theology at Benedictine College. He is author of What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith and co-host of Ascension’s video series (under the same title) filmed in Rome. He is general editor and contributor to Ascension’s Great Adventure Catholic Bible. Among his other publications are Ascension’s Bible studies on Romans and Hebrews, Spiritual Survival in the Modern World, and John Paul II  to Aristotle and Back Again. Andrew holds a doctorate in Sacred Theology from the University of St. Mary of the Lake and a master’s degree in Old Testament & Semitic Languages from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is an avid student of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and lives with his wife Sarah and their five children in Atchison, KS.

Claire Dwyer has a heart for the storyteller in all of us. She is a speaker, writer, writing coach, and author of This Present Paradise: A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity. Claire is also privileged to work as copywriter and content editor for the Avila Foundation, primarily on their website . She has a BA in Theology from Franciscan University, a graduate certification in Spiritual Theology from the Avila Institute, and is in the MA program for Spiritual Direction at St. Vincent’s Seminary. Claire is also the co-founder and content director of Write These Words, a place for Catholic  writers to find inspiration and information about the craft of writing and the world of publishing. A wife and mom of six, Claire spends most of her precious free time engrossed in one of the many books teetering in tall stacks on her nightstand. She invites you to find out more at and to sign up to follow her there for upcoming live and online events and courses, podcast guest episodes, and her latest writing projects—or connect with her on her Instagram page.

Fr. Eric Mah is a priest for the Archdiocese of Toronto in Canada where he is currently serving as Pastor of St. James Parish in Colgan, St. Mary’s in Achill and St. Francis Xavier in Tottenham.

His prior assignment was in Oshawa as Pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Parish; and Priest Chaplain of Ontario Tech, Durham College and Trent.  He previously served in the capacity of Associate Pastor in St. Leonard’s Parish in Brampton, and Blessed Trinity Parish in North York.  

Prior to entering the seminary, Fr. Eric attended the University of British Columbia where he obtained a B.A. (English Literature) in 1999.  He also graduated from Dalhousie University with a law degree in 2002 before moving to Toronto and being called to the bar in 2003.  He practiced insurance law on a full-time basis before entering St. Augustine’s Seminary in 2005.  

Fr. Eric also has a podcast called Catholic Latte, which you can find on Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, Podbean and Stitcher.  You can watch previous episodes of the podcast on Instagram. 

Michelle Karen D’Silva is a Catholic Speaker who has served at numerous international platforms including leading worship at the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Rome and the World Youth Day in Panama.

She resides in Doha, Qatar along with her husband Jensil and their 2 kids. Michelle is an active member of her parish – Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. She serves as a member of the National Service of Communion (NSC), attending to the pastoral needs of the community through preaching and mentoring.

Michelle pioneered the first Catholic Charismatic Youth Group in Qatar and continues to serve in the capacity of Youth Mentor. She has spearheaded numerous youth retreats, conferences and Gospel concerts including leadership and discipleship training for youth leaders across the Gulf.

In 2018 Michelle co-authored the book – ‘Life in the Spirit, Youth Edition’ under the mandate of CHARIS Youth Asia-Oceania and has travelled across the Middle East and Oceania equipping young leaders to lead and animate the Life in the Spirit seminars.

In 2020, Michelle joined the team of ‘Blessed Is She’, USA as their Devotional Writer & Blog Contributor.

Michelle’s passion to equip and empower women has resulted in ‘WellSpring Women’, an online community that has hosted an array of virtual programs bringing women from over 30 countries together. She is also the host of “Unravel” – a podcast show dedicated exclusively for women.

If you would like to know more about Michelle or access a collection of free Catholic resources, please visit her website

Fr. Patrick Gonyeau

Fr. Patrick Gonyeau is a priest from Detroit who is on fire. After four years of priesthood, he experienced a breakthrough surge of stunning healings in ministry that changed his life, convincing him that Jesus loves to give his disciples power to share the gospel and power to heal (Mark 16:18). He carries an infectious joy, inspiring faith, a passion for healing and a unique grace to equip and activate believers into the healing ministry of Jesus.


“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2023 Lent Retreat Read More »

2022 Advent Retreat

The Pray More Advent Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you prepare for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ at Christmas. 

Advent Retreat Speakers

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Katie Sciba

Pete Burak

Kate Capato

Scott Powell

Mary Lenaburg

The Retreat begins November 28th!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Entering Deeper into Prayer

by Katie Sciba

A Time to Trust God Without Reservation

by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Mary’s Fiat: Saying Yes to God

by Mary Lenaburg

Three Things To Learn From St. Joseph

by Pete Burak

Following the Good Shepherd

By Pete Burak

Jesus: Love and Mercy Itself

by Katie Sciba

God’s Invitation to Love

by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Jesus’ Acts of Mercy in the Old & New Testament

by Katie Sciba

The Gifts of the Magi & What We Can Offer Christ this Christmas

by Kate Capato

Mary’s Deep Trust in the Lord

by Scott Powell

Hope: A Time for Light in the Darkness

by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Jesus’ Mercy in the Details of Our Lives

by Katie Sciba

Looking Closer: St. Joseph, The Nativity, Simple Beauty

by Kate Capato

Preparing for Christ

by Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Advent Retreat? — 


Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Advent.

Slow down during this busy season and reflect on your relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to Him through prayer.

Become more intentional with your prayer life.

Reflect on what God is asking of you to wait for this Advent. What does He have in store for you? How are you responding to Him?

Renew your hope as you wait expectantly & joyfully for God to work in your life and to answer your prayers.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Advent season from the comfort of your own home!

The Pray More Retreat Begins on November 28th!








Preview the 2022 Advent Retreat

Welcome to the Pray More Advent Retreat!

We invite you to join us this Advent to prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

St. Teresa of Calcutta said the season of Advent is like springtime in nature — “when everything is renewed and is so fresh and healthy.” She said, “Advent is also meant to do this to us — to refresh us and make us healthy, to be able to receive Christ in whatever form He may come to us.”

We want to help you do that — that’s why we created the Pray More Advent Retreat!

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 16 different talks on prayer, the season of Advent, and how to live out our faith during this season. That’s about 4 talks for each week of Advent, and we’ll send you an e-mail with those talks every week. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of each presentation. You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 10 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20.

We hope the Pray More Advent Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Advent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on November 28th for you to enjoy :)

St. John Paul II said, “The Word who found a dwelling in Mary’s womb comes to knock on the heart of every person with singular intensity this Christmas.” We hope the Pray More Retreat will help you to be ready to open the door to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and to respond to His call to holiness and faithfulness.

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Advent Retreat?

Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Advent.

Renew your hope as you wait expectantly & joyfully for God to work in your life and to answer your prayers.

Slow down during this busy season and reflect on your relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to Him through prayer.

Deepen your faith and pray more from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers – known around the world as the “Dynamic Deacon” – is one of the most sought-after speakers in the Church today. He is a powerful and passionate evangelist and preacher, whose no-nonsense approach to living and proclaiming the Catholic faith will challenge and inspire those who hear him.

He travels across the United States and around the world speaking at conferences, workshops, retreats, parish missions, high schools, and young adult events – in short, to everyone who desires to know Jesus intimately and enjoy a deeper personal relationship with Him. His areas of expertise include marriage and family life, discerning the will of God, the sacraments, male spirituality, evangelization, prayer, and many others.

Deacon Harold holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Notre Dame, and a Master of Theological Studies Degree from the University of Dallas. He co-hosts the national weekly broadcast “Living Stones” on Mater Dei Radio. Deacon Harold has appeared in the major feature film Power in My Hands and is the creator of Walk by Faith Wednesday Webinars, a weekly hour of Catholic catechesis and teaching.

In addition, he is the host or co-host of several popular series on EWTN television and is featured on the renown Chosen faith formation program by Ascension Press. Deacon Harold is an award-winning author who has written five books, including Behold the Man: A Catholic Vision of Male Spirituality, Father Augustus Tolton: The Slave Who Became the First African-American Priest, and the acclaimed new book Our Life of Service: The Handbook for Catholic Deacons.

Retaining a deep love of Benedictine spirituality which he gained during his time discerning a call to that religious community, Deacon Harold is a Benedictine Oblate of Mount Angel Abbey. He is also a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars and the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy.

Katie Sciba is a national speaker, retreat writer, and eight-time Catholic Press Award-winning columnist. She has a degree in theology from Benedictine College, and her work on Catholic minimalism, spiritual intimacy with Jesus, as well as marriage and family has impacted audiences nationwide. Katie writes for The Catholic Telegraph in Cincinnati and has been featured on several podcasts and radio shows. Her humor and honesty enable her to connect well with a crowd. Katie and her family live happily in the suburbs of Omaha, Nebraska. 

Pete Burak is the Vice-President of Renewal Ministries and the director of their young adult outreach called id. He is a 2010 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and has a Master’s Degree in Theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. Pete is a frequent speaker on discipleship and evangelization, and he is the co-director of Pine Hills Boys Camp. He is the co-founder of the Millennial Church Conference, a monthly columnist for Faith Magazine, the host of the Spirit-filled Leadership Podcast, the host of the television show G2G: Glory to God, and a member of the USCCB Young Adult Advisory Committee. Pete and his wife Cait have 5 children.

Kate Capato, Visual Grace, is a Catholic sacred art painter and speaker rooted in the tradition of the faith. She creates oil paintings inspired by prayer and the truths of our faith and is greatly influenced by the Renaissance masters due to her gifted time studying in Florence Italy.

As a missionary of Divine beauty, Kate travels around with her art speaking about beauty and the ways the Lord shares his love with us through it. Her husband, Pawel, joins in with his talent of music to create a fuller experience of a transcendent encounter with Christ.

Kate is available to create new works for your churches, communities, and homes as well as to travel world wide to you and share the faith through beauty. 

Deacon Larry Oney Photo

Dr. Scott Powell is a teacher, theologian and author. Currently, he teaches at the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver and is an affiliate of the Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization, Thought and Policy at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Scott and his wife, Annie, founded and direct Camp Wojtyla, a Catholic outdoor adventure program for youth based in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. He holds a doctorate in Catholic Studies from Liverpool Hope University in England, and has authored a number of books, articles and book chapters on topics of theology, the Bible, religion, as well asCatholic culture and its relationship to the modern world. Scott has also appeared in numerous Catholic productions, including “Symbolon,” “Beloved,”“Reborn,” “YDisciple” and the “Opening the Word” series. He has been featured on EWTN, “Catholic Answers Live” and several other outlets. Scott and his wife live near Boulder, Colorado with their three children: Lily Avila, Samuel Isaac and Evelyn Luca.

Kevin Heider

Mary Lenaburg is a full-time Catholic speaker and author of Be Brave in the Scared, which earned a 2020 Excellence in Publishing Award from the Association of Catholic Publishers. Her second book Be Bold in the Broken, was published March 12, 2021.

She has given keynotes at conferences internationally, including The Edel Gathering, the Genius Women’s Conference, the Fiat Conference in Pasadena, CA,  Military Council for Catholic Women European Retreat, and at the Women of the Word Conference in Toronto, Canada. A writer with Take Up & Read, her work has appeared in five meditation books. She also has contributed to two other books.

She has appeared on Catholic radio, TV, and podcasts, including The Jennifer Fulwiler Show, EWTN’s Pro-Life Weekly, The Hallie Lord Show, The Gist, Busted Halo, and Fountains of Carrots. 

Her mission is to accompany women to be brave in the scared and bold in the broken as they embrace their God-given purpose.

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2022 Advent Retreat Read More »

2022 Healing Retreat

The Pray More Healing Retreat

Inspiring talks about the healing Jesus offers you, how to pursue healing and how to move forward from your pain into a place of peace.

Healing Retreat Speakers

Kitty Cleveland

Dr. Mario Sacasa

Megan Hjelmstad

Fr. Jude-Mary Owoh, OP

Katie Weiss

Kevin Heider

Pete Burak

The Retreat Begins on August 17th!

Here’s a preview!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Allowing the Lord to Transform & Heal Our Fears

Healing in Suffering

by Megan Hjelmstad

Finding Healing from Fear

by Megan Hjelmstad

Finding God in hard times

Recovering from Painful Disappointments

by Kitty Cleveland

Forgiving when you can't forget

Healing and Memory in Light of Divine Providence

by Dr. Mario Sacasa

Overcoming Dryness in Prayer

How to Have a Better Prayer Life & Greater Intimacy with the Lord

by Fr. Jude-Mary Owoh, OP

Overcoming Scrupulosity

Resting in the Promises of Jesus

by Fr. Jude-Mary Owoh, OP

Healing from betrayal

Healing from Shame

By Fr. Jude-Mary Owoh, OP

healing from habitual sin

Healing & Learning to Live with Grief

by Pete Burak

handling our doubts

Growing in Trust in the Lord

by Kitty Cleveland

healing mother and father wounds

Growing in Our Relationship with the Holy Spirit

by Pete Burak

The Better Part with Martha & Mary

Praying and Healing Through Past Memories

Praying with Art

by Katie Weiss

Redemptive Suffering with Christ

Suffering & Redemptive Suffering with Christ 

by Pete Burak

Growing in Relationship with the Holy Spirit

Trusting and Surrendering to God’s Will

by Kitty Cleveland

How to Discern God's Will

Healing in Our Relationship with Others

by Megan Hjelmstad

Praying Through Lectio Divina

Embracing the Power of Hope

by Dr. Mario Sacasa

Discovering Your Self Worth

Healing as a Result of Prayer

Praying with Art

by Katie Weiss

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

Healing Our Sense of Identity

by Megan Hjelmstad

Seeking Rest in Him

Healing & Moving Forward

by Dr. Mario Sacasa

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

How to Imitate the Lord in Our Lives

by Pete Burak

Seeking Rest in Him

Putting God at the Center of Your Life

by Kitty Cleveland

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

Growing in Trust in the Lord through Prayer

by Fr. Jude-Mary Owoh, OP

Seeking Rest in Him

Finding Healing from Fear

Praying with Art

by Katie Weiss

The Gift of St. Theres & Her Weaknesses

Hope: The Misunderstood Virtue

by Dr. Mario Sacasa

Seeking Rest in Him

Discovering Our Self-Worth in Christ

Praying with Art

by Katie Weiss

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Healing Retreat? — 


Hear inspiring testimonies about God’s presence throughout even the darkest of times.

Receive guidance and practical advice about how to move on from your pain.

Learn more about who God is as our Father and about how you can grow closer to Him through your cross.

Deepen your faith and pray more from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!

Renew your hope, and grow in true joy and happiness.

Learn how to move forward from your pain into a place of peace, and from your fear into a place of faith.

The Retreat Begins August 17th!








Welcome to the Pray More Healing Retreat!

We invite you to join us for the next few weeks to reflect on God’s faithful love and presence in your life, and learn how to move from a place of pain and fear to a place of peace and faith.

St. John Paul II said that suffering is almost inseparable from man’s earthly existence. At times, suffering can lead you closer to Christ. And at other times, it can seem to lead you further away from Him. We created this retreat to help steer you closer back to Him, who is the divine healer.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 24 different talks on healing. Some of them are about healing from specific problems – things like fear, painful disappointments, loss, and shame. Some are about healing the wounds of our heart, and learning our worth and dignity in our relationship with Christ. Others are about God’s faithfulness in the darkest of times. Lastly, our speakers also talk about what to do when you don’t receive the healing you’ve been praying for and working towards.

You can participate in this retreat at your own pace. Some of the talks are 10 minutes long, and others are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Healing Retreat will bring you closer to God’s healing love — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on August 17th for you to enjoy :)


God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Healing Retreat?

Hear inspiring testimonies about God’s presence throughout even the darkest of times.

Renew your hope, and grow in true joy and happiness.

Receive guidance and practical advice about how to move on from your pain.

Learn more about who God is as our Father and about how you can grow closer to Him through your cross.

Deepen your faith and pray more from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Kitty Cleveland is a singer/songwriter and inspirational speaker from New Orleans, began her professional career as a lawyer and then as a college professor.  But in an adoration chapel one day in 1998, as she searched for God during a devastating family crisis, she clearly heard the Lord Jesus call her to become a “music missionary.”

Kitty heeded the call and has since released 12 CDs of music and prayer, including two CDs with Lighthouse Catholic Media. Her latest CD, Hail, Holy Queen, was the first of her CD’s to climb the secular Billboard chart. She has appeared numerous times on television, on the radio, in concert, and as a keynote speaker both at home and abroad.

Kitty lives in the New Orleans area with her musician husband and teen daughter, whom they adopted from China in 2005.

In addition to praying with people for healing and encouragement, she enjoys cooking, gardening, oil painting, and is currently working on her first book about her father’s unjust imprisonment and dramatic release by the U.S. Supreme Court. You can learn more here.

Dr. Mario Sacasa is the associate director of the Faith and Marriage Apostolate of the Willwoods Community. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist and operates a private counseling practice in New Orleans, LA. He earned a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision from the University of Holy Cross. He also holds a combined M.S./ Ed.S. in marriage and family counseling from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is married and has four sons. 

Dr. Sacasa travels the country offering lectures to dioceses, parishes, seminaries, and college campuses on the themes of marriage, relationships, sexuality, hope, and positive psychology. The focus of his career is finding the points of integration between the Catholic-Christian faith and sound counseling practices. This integrated perspective informs all his professional endeavors. He has been on faculty at Notre Dame Seminary, Divine Mercy University, and the Institute for Priestly Formation. He has lectured for the Theology of the Body Institute. His work has been featured on the website Simply CatholicAsk Fr. Josh Podcast, and The Gloria Purvis Podcast. He is active on his social media platforms and regularly contributes to the blog on the Faith and Marriage website. 

Dr. Sacasa creates and hosts the Always Hope Podcast which is a long-form interview show aimed at helping the listener grow in their emotional and spiritual health. The show has a worldwide audience, and he has interviewed notable guests such as Fr. Josh Johnson, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, Sr. Josephine Garrett, Bishop Bill Wack, Dr. Brant Pitre, Dr. Gregory Bottaro, Mr. Art Bennett, and many others. You can learn more here.

Megan Hjelmstad is a Catholic writer and speaker based in Denver, CO, and a team member of a global Catholic women’s ministry called Blessed is She. Megan delights in her vocation as a wife and hockey mom 24/7 and she serves an Army Reservist in her “spare” time. Megan adores books, sleep, sunshine, and Colorado’s great outdoors—and she especially loves working individually with women to help them discover their God-given dignity through The Well Mentorship Program.

Pete Burak is the Vice-President of Renewal Ministries and the director of their young adult outreach called id. He is a 2010 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and has a Master’s Degree in Theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. Pete is a frequent speaker on discipleship and evangelization, and he is the co-director of Pine Hills Boys Camp. He is the co-founder of the Millennial Church Conference, a monthly columnist for Faith Magazine, the host of the Spirit-filled Leadership Podcast, the host of the television show G2G: Glory to God, and a member of the USCCB Young Adult Advisory Committee. Pete and his wife Cait have 5 children.

Katie Weiss is a New Jersey native now living in Alexandria, VA.  She is the founder of Behold Visio Divina, a ministry that helps participants understand their dignity through pondering human dignity through art. Through books, group formation, online community, and workshops,  Behold gives women the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and one another. Currently, Behold has five published books and has groups both within the United States and internationally.

Katie received her undergraduate degree in Theology from Catholic Distance University. Her talks and workshops have been featured in multiple venues, such as the Frassati Fellowship of New York City, the Edith Stein Project, and the GIVEN InstituteKatie speaks often on the topics of: Prayer, Theology of the Body, Beauty, and Healing through Art.

Kevin Heider

Rev. Fr. JudeMary Owoh, O.P celebrated his 8th priestly anniversary on the 19th of July. He is a member of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), of the province of St Joseph the Worker (Nigeria and Ghana). He is an associate parish priest and the Director of Dominican Media. He a very active content creator for social media and television. His work for Dominican Media are curated on YouTube (“Dominican Media Presents”).

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2022 Healing Retreat Read More »

2022 Lent Retreat

The Pray More Lenten Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you focus your eyes on the Lord and transform your prayer life this Lent.

Lent Retreat Speakers

Karen May

Scott Powell

Emily Jaminet

Mary Lenaburg

Fr. Taylor Reynolds

The Retreat begins on March 2nd!

Here’s a preview!

Online lenten retreat

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Hearing the Lord’s Voice in Your Life

by Emily Jaminet

Experiencing & Responding to Dryness in Prayer

by Scott Powell

Lenten Practices: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

by Karen May

How Suffering Can be Sanctified

by Fr. Taylor Reynolds

How Jesus’ Love Can Transform Your Life

by Emily Jaminet

How God Remains in All Things

by Mary Lenaburg

How Jesus Ministers to Our Broken Hearts

By Mary Lenaburg

Saints Who Suffered & What We Can Learn From Them

by Fr. Taylor Reynolds

Advent to Easter: The Whole Story of Jesus

by Karen May

Living Out the Virtues: A Look at Joseph

by Scott Powell

Six Ways to Keep Your Advent Season Holy, Part II 2016

Revisiting the Story of The Prodigal Son

by Fr. Taylor Reynolds

The Power of a Mother’s Prayers: St. Monica & St. Augustine

by Mary Lenaburg

The Message of Divine Mercy

by Emily Jaminet

Walking Through Holy Week

by Karen May

How to Forgive & Move Forward

by Fr. Taylor Reynolds

Praying with the Psalms

by Scott Powell

Lean on the Cross: Avoiding the Trouble That Comes From Self-Reliance

by Mary Lenaburg

The Importance of Mercy & Love in Action: Christian Witness in the World

by Emily Jaminet

When It’s Hard to Be Humble: A Look at Mother Teresa

by Karen May

Looking Closer: The Annunciation

by Scott Powell

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Lenten Retreat? — 


Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.

Slow down and reflect on your walk with Jesus and how you can strengthen your relationship with Him and get to know Him and His word better.

Become more intentional with your prayer life.

Return to the Lord with your whole heart and learn how you can let the Holy Spirit guide you in your everyday life.

Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for us as He sent His son to die for our sins.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home!

The Retreat begins on March 2nd!

Countdown Until The Pray More Lenten Retreat








Welcome to the Pray More Lenten Retreat!

We invite you to join us this Lent to prepare to commemorate the Lord’s Passion, Death and the celebration of His Resurrection at Easter.

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 20 different talks on prayer, on who God is — and what that means for you, the season of Lent, and lessons from the saints.

That’s about four talks for each week of Lent. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions and prayers to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of all the presentations.

You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 15 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20. You will be able to watch them whenever you have the time, or to download them and listen to them even while you’re on-the-go.

We hope the Pray More Lenten Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Lent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

All the presentations will be available beginning on March 2nd, the first day of Lent. If you register now, we will send you an e-mail as soon as it is live and available for you to enjoy :)

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Lenten Retreat?

Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Lent.

Reflect on God’s mercy and immeasurable love for us as He sent His won to die for our sins.

Slow down and reflect on your walk with Jesus and how you can strengthen your relationship with Him and get to know His word better.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Lenten season from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Karen May is a dynamic and inspirational author and speaker who believes that powerful, transformational faith doesn’t have to be complicated. Helping people to discover the profound truths of God in a way that is simple, inviting, and filled with joy is a gift that she shares in her writing and speaking. She is the author of Be Not Afraid: Living with Faith in the Midst of a Fearful World, and Walking Through Holy Week. You can find her at

Dr. Scott Powell is a teacher, theologian and author. Currently, he teaches at the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver and is an affiliate of the Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization, Thought and Policy at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Scott and his wife, Annie, founded and direct Camp Wojtyla, a Catholic outdoor adventure program for youth based in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. He holds a doctorate in Catholic Studies from Liverpool Hope University in England, and has authored a number of books, articles and book chapters on topics of theology, the Bible, religion, as well asCatholic culture and its relationship to the modern world. Scott has also appeared in numerous Catholic productions, including “Symbolon,” “Beloved,”“Reborn,” “YDisciple” and the “Opening the Word” series. He has been featured on EWTN, “Catholic Answers Live” and several other outlets. Scott and his wife live near Boulder, Colorado with their three children: Lily Avila, Samuel Isaac and Evelyn Luca.

Emily Jaminet is a Catholic author, speaker, radio personality, wife, and mother of seven children ranging from 21-5  and the Executive Director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network found at  She is the co-founder of, and her ministry podcast is Inspired by Faith is an outreach of the Columbus Catholic Women’s Conference. Her fifth book just came out this year: Secrets of the Sacred Heart: 12 Ways to Claim Jesus’ Promises along with the previous titles she co-authored including The Friendship Project, Divine Mercy for Moms, Our Friend Faustina and Pray Fully.  Emily can be found at and on social media as EmilyJaminet. She lives in Columbus, OH, with her family.  

Mary Lenaburg is a full-time Catholic speaker and author of Be Brave in the Scared, which earned a 2020 Excellence in Publishing Award from the Association of Catholic Publishers. Her second book Be Bold in the Broken, was published March 12, 2021. 

She has given keynotes at conferences internationally, including The Edel Gathering, the Genius Women’s Conference, the Fiat Conference in Pasadena, CA,  Military Council for Catholic Women European Retreat, and at the Women of the Word Conference in Toronto, Canada. A writer with Take Up & Read, her work has appeared in five meditation books. She also has contributed to two other books.

She has appeared on Catholic radio, TV, and podcasts, including The Jennifer Fulwiler Show, EWTN’s Pro-Life Weekly, The Hallie Lord Show, The Gist, Busted Halo, and Fountains of Carrots. 

Her mission is to accompany women to be brave in the scared and bold in the broken as they embrace their God-given purpose.

Fr. Taylor Reynolds is a priest of the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana. After studying Theology in Rome, he was ordained in June of 2014. He has severed in various ministerial roles such as high school chaplain, parochial vicar at several different churches, hispanic ministry, Steubenville South and leader of various other retreats and conferences. He has gone on various mission trips throughout the world including to Peru, Ecuador, Guyana, Tanzania and Albania.  He has studied deliverance ministry from various priests and leaders (including Neal Lozano, Unbound) and has used this tool in his priesthood. In 2017 he went back to Rome to finish his degree in Canon Law (JCL) and has returned to serve in the tribunal as judge, defender of the bond and even assisting with canonization processes. Recently, Fr. Taylor has authored the book No Longer Strangers Finding Companionship with the Saints based on his study of canonization, his devotion to the saints and his own personal journey with St. Rose of Lima. He is excited to be a part of our team and offers talks on The Prodigal Son Parable, How to Forgive and love your enemies, How is all of our suffering sanctified, and Saints who suffered.

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2022 Lent Retreat Read More »

2021 Advent Retreat

The Pray More Advent Retreat

Inspiring talks to help you prepare for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ at Christmas. 

Advent Retreat Speakers

Dr. Edward Sri

Kitty Cleveland

Dr. Kenneth Howell

Ryan O’Hara

Ashley Stevens

Kevin Heider

The Retreat begins November 29th!

The Retreat is self-paced.

This means that you can participate wherever you are and whenever you have the time.

It’s like a do-it-yourself retreat, but you’re not doing alone — we’re doing it with you! We hope you’ll join us.


Trusting in the Lord During Difficult Times

by Kitty Cleveland

Why God Became Man

by Dr. Ken Howell

Imitating Mary: Living in the Heart of the Trinity

by Kitty Cleveland

The Details of the Birth of Jesus

by Dr. Ken Howell

Looking Closer: The Titles of Jesus

By Ashley Stevens

Seeking & Receiving Peace

by Kitty Cleveland

Primacy of the Interior Life, Part I

by Dr. Sri

Persistence in Prayer

by Ryan O’Hara

How to Have More Joy

by Ashley Stevens

“Your Will Be Done:” Yielding in Prayer

by Ryan O’Hara

Walking with Mary, a Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross, Part I & II

by Dr. Sri

Trusting God’s Plan is Good

by Ashley Stevens

How Jesus Can Bring New Life to Our Circumstances

by Ashley Stevens

Looking to Mary As Your Own Mother

by Kitty Cleveland

Praying through Praise

by Ryan O’Hara

Praying Through Repentance

by Ryan O’Hara

Every talk comes with a Transcript, Study Guide,
and Downloadable Audio and
 Video (with Closed Captioning too)

You can watch, listen or read through the talks however you’d like best!

You can do this your own or with a group! 

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”



— Why join the Pray More Advent Retreat? — 


Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Advent.

Slow down during this busy season and reflect on your relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to Him through prayer.

Become more intentional with your prayer life.

Reflect on what God is asking of you to wait for this Advent. What does He have in store for you? How are you responding to Him?

Renew your hope as you wait expectantly & joyfully for God to work in your life and to answer your prayers.

Deepen your faith and pray more this Advent season from the comfort of your own home!

The Pray More Retreat Begins on November 29th!








Preview the 2021 Advent Retreat

Welcome to the Pray More Advent Retreat!

We invite you to join us this Advent to prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

St. Teresa of Calcutta said the season of Advent is like springtime in nature — “when everything is renewed and is so fresh and healthy.” She said, “Advent is also meant to do this to us — to refresh us and make us healthy, to be able to receive Christ in whatever form He may come to us.”

We want to help you do that — that’s why we created the Pray More Advent Retreat!

As a part of this retreat, you will receive access to 19 different talks on prayer, the season of Advent, and how to live out our faith during this season. That’s about 4 talks for each week of Advent, and we’ll send you an e-mail with those talks every week. Each of those talks will also come with a printable study guide that has reflective questions to accompany the presentation, along with transcripts of each presentation. You can participate at your own pace. Some of the talks are 10 minutes long, and some of them are closer to 20.

We hope the Pray More Advent Retreat will help you to intentionally work on your prayer life this Advent — wherever you are, and whenever you have the time.

Once you register, all the presentations will be sent to your email on November 29th for you to enjoy :)

St. John Paul II said, “The Word who found a dwelling in Mary’s womb comes to knock on the heart of every person with singular intensity this Christmas.” We hope the Pray More Retreat will help you to be ready to open the door to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and to respond to His call to holiness and faithfulness.

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie

Why Join the Pray More Advent Retreat?

Learn how to have a holy, prayerful and transforming Advent.

Renew your hope as you wait expectantly & joyfully for God to work in your life and to answer your prayers.

Slow down during this busy season and reflect on your relationship with Jesus, and grow closer to Him through prayer.

Deepen your faith and pray more from the comfort of your own home or while you’re on the go!


Dr. Edward Sri is a theologian, speaker and author of several best-selling books, including Who Am I to Judge? and Walking with Mary. He is the presenter of several faith formation programs used by thousands of parishes around the world, and is the host of the weekly podcast All Things Catholic. With Curtis Martin, he is a co-founder of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and currently serves as the organization’s Vice President of Formation. His newest book and video study program is called No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk through Christ’s Passion (available through Ascension Press). You can learn more about Dr. Sri’s work at

Kitty Cleveland is a singer/songwriter and inspirational speaker from New Orleans, began her professional career as a lawyer and then as a college professor.  But in an adoration chapel one day in 1998, as she searched for God during a devastating family crisis, she clearly heard the Lord Jesus call her to become a “music missionary.”

Kitty heeded the call and has since released 12 CDs of music and prayer, including two CDs with Lighthouse Catholic Media. Her latest CD, Hail, Holy Queen, was the first of her CD’s to climb the secular Billboard chart. She has appeared numerous times on television, on the radio, in concert, and as a keynote speaker both at home and abroad.

Kitty lives in the New Orleans area with her musician husband and teen daughter, whom they adopted from China in 2005.

In addition to praying with people for healing and encouragement, she enjoys cooking, gardening, oil painting, and is currently working on her first book about her father’s unjust imprisonment and dramatic release by the U.S. Supreme Court.

You can learn more here.

Dr. Kenneth Howell is the Resident Theologian and Director of Pastoral Care of the Coming Home Network International. He taught for thirty years in higher education and is the author of six books, one of which is published by Catholic Answers, The Eucharist for Beginners. He is a former Presbyterian minister and theological professor who entered into complete communion with the Catholic Church in 1996. He recently published “Mystery of the Altar: Daily Meditations on the Eucharist.”

Ashley Stevens is a speaker, writer, wife, and mother of three. She was born near Philadelphia, PA, raised just outside Knoxville, TN and played soccer and converted to the Catholic faith at the University of Nebraska. While serving as a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionary shortly after getting engaged, she was T-boned by a Mack truck and nearly lost her life. They got married on the one-year anniversary of the accident to redeem the day and she’s since shared her story with The 700 Club, Busted Halo Sirius XM Show, The Omaha World-Herald, and blogs and podcasts to encourage those whose life isn’t going according to plan. Find out more about her at

Deacon Larry Oney Photo

Ryan O’Hara serves as the Content Director for Saint Paul’s Outreach, a national Catholic organization that ministers to college students on campus. He is passionate about seeing Catholics come alive in Christ, grow to spiritual maturity and become apostles to the people in their life. Ryan has a B.A. in History from William Jewell College and an M.A. in Theology from the University of Notre Dame. He and his wife Jill live in West St Paul, MN and are parents to four sons.

Learn more here.

Kevin Heider

Kevin Heider is a singer-songwriter, performer, and recording artist from Dayton, Ohio. Having written hymns, drinking songs, and everything in between, his music is imbued with a spiritual and social consciousness that explores what it means to be human.

In July of 2008, Kevin was personally selected by Ingrid Michaelson as the winner of Gibson’s The Way I Am contest. This inspired him to pursue a life in the arts, and he has since traveled and toured extensively with his music. He performs solo and with his full band, The Honest Stand.

Kevin is also the creator and host of the popular Song & Story podcast. His music is available everywhere digitally, and physical copies can be purchased at

“There were many personal moments in which the speakers touched my heart and brought me closer to God’s love.”


“All the speakers were wonderful and it felt like they were speaking directly to me. I did not want it to end!”


“Wonderful talks! Great concept! Easy access!!!”


Contact Us:

If you have any questions about the Pray More Retreat, you can e-mail us at:

John-Paul & Annie,
E-mail: [email protected]
Please put “Pray More Retreat” as your e-mail subject.

2021 Advent Retreat Read More »